Hidden Valley RV Park

Easy Healthcare on the Road

Mobile Healthcare

There are many things to think about that could scare you out of the full time RV life, especially when wondering about healthcare and the well-being of yourself and family.  While you can always take advantage of the Affordable Care Act, insurance from a remote job or a private provider, another option available is RVhealth.com.  
This service has a monthly fee of
$24 or annual plans available with no extra consultation fees and has unlimited use.  After signing up you have immediate coverage anywhere in the world and are only a phone call or video consultation away from a physician for advice.  They can assist with many non-emergency issues including cold/flu, bronchitis, pediatrics, upper respiratory, allergies, eye/ear infections and even have OB/GYN help available.  
You can use this service to get a second opinion on a diagnosis or to have your lab results analyzed.  They have the ability to write prescriptions for any needed antibiotics or allergy medication and can send to any pharmacy in whatever city you are currently in.  
If a specialist is needed, the doctor you speak to can speak to a specialist for you. If a physical visit is needed they will refer you to the specific specialist helping you avoid the time and money in guessing.  
All of the plans offered include coverage for you and your entire IMMEDIATE family and RVhealth.com does not turn away anyone due to a pre-existing condition.  Don’t let these worries deter you from starting your full time RV adventure, RVhealth has you covered!

If you’ve had any experience with RVhealth.com or have some other insurance tips for fellow travelers, please comment below or on our facebook link to this article.  

For more information and FAQ’s check out their website at https://rvhealth.com/!
By Rachel Blaschke