Hidden Valley RV Park

How to Make a US Map of the States You’ve Visited

Ever wanted to make one of those cool maps you see all the other RVers sporting on their RV, travel blogs and on the RV forums?  You know the ones that show all the states you’ve visited.  A quick google of “US state visited maps” lead me to several options but by far the easiest is this one.

visited 21 states (42%)
Create your own visited map of The United States

Simply visit the site at the above link and put a check mark on the sites you’ve visited. Once you’ve checked off the states you’ve visited, you get a piece of code that you can embed on a blog or website.  Once you embed it somewhere you can do a “print screen” of the map and crop or enlarge it for a facebook profile photo, cover photo or post photo.  You can even go back and edit the map to add new states as you visit
them.  You can also make it a very small size use it as an avatar on RV
forum sites.  I want to find a more colorful map and blow it up, frame it and hang it on the RV wall.

This map shows my travels.  (Sssh…I’ve exaggerated a little. I actually was in each of these states but some were just drive bys.)

If you want a classier map, do a google search for “visited state maps” and get lots of choices.

Try it and put your map or a link to it in the comments.

Teri welcomes you to Hidden Valley RV Park

Teri Blaschke is the
RV Park operator of family owned Hidden Valley RV Park in San Antonio, TX and writer of the park blog “A Little
Piece of Country in San Antonio.” Teri contributes to various other blogs with
a focus on either travel or social media and how it relates to the outdoor
hospitality industry but her passion is serving the RV travel community by
providing a memorable RV camping experience and growing the Hidden Valley RV
family.  Connect with us on Google+, Facebook,
Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter@HiddenValleyRV