Hidden Valley RV Park

Meet the Hidden Valley Team


Rachel B Cardenas, a familiar face of the Hidden Valley RV Park
team has been our office manager since her official start here in 2019.  Growing up at Hidden Valley she has a special
place in our hearts and we like to think the park’s in her heart too. 

Her firsthand experience with customer service, computer
systems and communications has been a great benefit for the park and our
guests.  Read on to learn more about

Where is your
favorite place to camp?

I most often camp on Port Aransas Beach in the Gulf
Coast.  I love the small beach town feel
and that it is full of pet friendly areas and happy people.  Garner State Park is a close second choice
for the river tubing and getting to the top of their hiking trails.  

What do you enjoy
most about working at Hidden Valley RV Park?

I love the team I work with here plus the beautiful sunsets
are the perfect close to my day.  I also
really enjoy meeting new guests from all over the world and seeing them come
back for years to see us at Hidden Valley RV. 

What does the Hidden
Valley promise – “Southern hospitality” – mean to you?

Attention to details, going the extra mile and exceeding
expectations by becoming our guest’s personal concierge, providing directions
to attractions, parking options, new and unique events or things to do and just
making our guests feel like family.  I
want to make sure you love our city as much as we do! 

What Hidden Valley RV
Park improvements in the area of customer care have you been a part of?

Implementation of a simplified and streamlined online
reservation system for our guests.

Developing a touchless registration system to save our
guests time and for their safety during the pandemic 

Tell us more about
Hidden Valley RV Parks plans for the future.

There are some big changes in the works but they’re still in
the development stage.  Keep on the watch
at the park and on our Facebook page as the new year comes around.  Yep, it’s a cliff hanger!