Hidden Valley RV Park

Some Cool Tips for RVing from The Experts

you’re a first-time RVer or someone who’s been on the road for years,
taking a few pieces of advice from Full Time RVers wherever you go is
never a bad idea. A digital RV magazine, “Mobile RVing” sat down with a few full-time travelers to ask them
about their best pieces of advice for anyone who enjoys a good trip on
the road or wants to see the world behind the steering wheel.  Thought I’d share them. 

Here are some of the best tips they revealed to make your traveling safer, more fun, and enjoyable!

“Make sure your sewer pipe is properly secured into the dump
pipe before opening your black tank. Don’t ask how I know.” — Jimmy Le,
Airstream Owner

RV sewer, man covered with black water, comical

I guess we all know how Jimmy came about this piece of advice, but it’s
still one to keep in mind as we go about our daily routines. Moving the
RV from place to place can and will test your patience some days.
Especially if you forget to do something simple along the way.

“Don’t sweat the small stuff. Things are going to break and
things are going to go wrong, it’s part of life.” — Cindy Talley, 12
Years of Full-Timing on the Road

As stated in the above advice, not everything will go right on the road.
You will find that every road trip comes with its own set of troubles
and worries, but that shouldn’t stop you from continuing your journey.
Be prepared, but know that not every hiccup can be solved easily. You’ll
be happier for it.

“You can never have enough tools! Full timing entails a new
unexpected project almost every day. If you have an open mind and make
use of the community (and maybe an occasional YouTube video) you really
can learn to fix and solve all of them!” — John Kramer, Handyman

When something happens or a light fixture comes undone, you’ll be happy
you listened to John. Having enough tools with you to fix the smaller
things in your rig can make the difference between you shivering in the
cold or sweating in the blazing sun. Make use of the tools and resources
you have to fix small problems. It might just save the day!

no right or wrong way to full time. Before we started, we were so sure
we’d just go where our whims took us, with few plans. It didn’t take us
long to realize that because we work full time (we own an ERP consulting
business) and that work involves business trips, we needed to plan
ahead. We also like to stay in state and national parks, some of which
book a year in advance — so again, need to plan ahead. There are so many
things that can go wrong when you full time, so we like to take away
part of the potential stress by route planning. Other full-timers like
to play it by ear, choosing their next destination with little to no
planning. And that’s okay too. As I said, there’s no right or wrong way
to full time, and don’t let anyone make you feel like there is.” —
Missy Late,
@Gone_Streamin on Instagram

Like Missy says, there’s no right or wrong way to live on the road full
time. You get to decide how your days go and where you’re headed next.
You may realize that planning is a must-do if you continue to work from
your rig or you may love the spontaneous life of flipping a coin and
seeing where it leads you next. Whatever way you adventure is the best
way for you. And that’s all that matters!

“Before you get in the driver’s seat, take a couple of slow deep
breaths and smile…..now go….enjoy….relax.” — Gone Roamin’ on

Another thing we forget to do is enjoy the ride itself. Sometimes we
dread getting behind the wheel and pulling out of a campground because
we’ve gotten comfortable where we’re at and it’s not always fun to pack
up and move out. But taking the time to slow down and smile can make all
the difference between suffering through the next several hours of
driving and setting up camp or having the best day in the driver’s seat.

“Decide how much beer you’ll need, and then double it.” — Harold Higgins

Nothing like needing a beer after a long day, right? You’ll soon realize
that wherever you stop, you’ll make friends. And there’s not a good
camp out without a few brewskies shared with those around a campfire.
This can also include Margaritas, Mojitos, or some slow sips of brandy.  In my case it’s a Topo Chico Mineral water with a splash of lemon.  Celebrations shouldn’t be few and far between on the road, as you’ll see
and do so many new things along the way that are worth cracking a cold
one when you get back to the rig.

“One of the greatest things about owning an Airstream [or RV] is
the family it comes with. Whether it’s for help with a problem, wanting
to learn something about the trailer, sharing travel stories &
drinks or just saying “hi,” embrace the family connections you make and
online resources that are available during your travels. You will make
quality life long friendships, learn a ton about maintenance, get the
help you might need and have some great times. Enjoy your journey and
remember there’s a network for you if you need or want it.” — Robin

On the
road, you may feel like you’re on your own a lot, but it isn’t
necessarily true. Along your journey, you’ll meet tons of other people
who love life on the road. You’ll share memories and funny stories.
You’ll be able to ask questions and receive the help you really need,
too. So whether or not you plan to get going on your own or with another
person, you’ll always be near those who are in the same boat and happy
to help. All you have to do is be open to it!

“The number one piece of advice is, “Do it Now”. Number one
lament of retirement home people I’ve talked with is, that they wished
they had traveled more when they still could.” – Michael Rice, Long Time

The last piece of advice is not to wait for adventure to find you, but
to find your adventure by going out and making it happen. If you’re
unsure about where you want to go, but you know you want to go somewhere
just get behind the wheel and get going. There’s no time to waste when
it comes to doing the things you love in the one life that you have.

And remember it’s the journey not the destination that makes it all worthwhile.

Feel free to add YOUR favorite tips to the comments or on our FB page comments.  Happy Trails on all your adventures on the road!


Teri from Hidden Valley RV, waiting to make your day Teri Blaschke is the
RV Park operator of family owned HiddenValley RV Park in San Antonio, TX and writer of the park blog “A Little
Piece of Country in San Antonio.” Teri contributes to various other blogs with
a focus on either travel or social media and how it relates to the outdoor
hospitality industry but her passion is serving the RV travel community by
providing a memorable RV camping experience and growing the Hidden Valley RV
family.  Connect with Teri on Google+, Facebook,
Pinterest and Twitter@HiddenValleyRV.